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LO1 - Understand existing audio-visual media products and how they are created


The main idea for the style of Minecraft Story Mode is to stay as true to the original concept as possible while adding new features not found in Minecraft's world and game play. 

The game adds new major protagonists and antagonists that help give the world of Minecraft more setting.



They build the story with the players in mind to create more profits they need a stable and good story.This is because this trailer is solely for story and if they do not show the key aspects the game could look bland making the sales drop or the price of the game drop.

The animation is affected by the profits of the game and the profits are changed by how good the animation is for the players this makes the player want to get the game creating more profits.


They use the information to create more profits. This is because they find the main target audience  while the game is out and they also can add more content to the game for a price for the selected players. The way information is linked to animation is through the plays enjoying certain aspects of the game and this animation used and the response to this type 

of build and moving is correlated to the animation is use is extra content.To create the story they need to create the characters and get base ideas for the game and what the art

style will be. Furthermore, the game uses animations of the characters and environment to build the story  this also includes making the characters view into 3D with the animation. 




One of the main attributes for the game is the choices that the player will make throughout the game.the choices the player makes alters the overall story and how it goes. The mind-map shows that choices gives players more freedom when playing, from the sub-division it connects to another box which is environments, as the player also gets freedom to roam around the environment.


Another main attribute to the trailer are the quick time events that will randomly happen. Some of these will occur when fighting an enemy. Having these quick time events can be a major problem which relates to another box on the mind map “problems”. Along with the fighting enemies it again relates to another main box of “music”, this can be because the music may change when an enemy is in range. 




The game is formed to make the game as creative as the player wants it to be this is achieved by letting the player create anything they want.The game is successful because it gives you a chance to shape the way your world is and players like this kind of opportunity as it is an easy way to create.


Another way form is shown is when you can vary what you create from a house to an office building meaning you can shape it anyway you want and that is the main objective of the game to create a world in which you decide how everything looks.




The main meaning would be the nostalgia that the new game brings. As is it clearly shown, Minecraft: Story Mode is a game based on the game Minecraft. As it was an older game, many people grew as the game did, their lives having some part of this game within it. Much of the nostalgia that comes from this game comes from the experience of learning something new like no other game, at the time, did this to the success of Minecraft.


There were many reactions when this game had launched, the first being Disappointment. Many people did not like this game as it had deviated from what Minecraft had been made to do. The game had a set story that had an end goal, this had conflicted with the sandbox-type game that Minecraft was known for. Another reaction was excitement. Where some people did not appreciate how the game was made, there were those who wanted to play it. They felt as if it was a new way of experiencing the story as it had used the many mechanic and mobs of the game to make something new, such as making the wither stronger.


Production Process


Production Process can be advertised on many things such as; Youtube, Website, Television. This helps sell the product on multiple platforms ,such as the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. so there are a lot of ways and places to sell it. So this can be on the google play store or it can be on the Xbox store and also on the big platform like steam.


In the game, they need to keep in mind what platforms they would like to be on such as;  Xbox, Playstation and PC, and how it will play on mobile. They also need to think about the different platforms when they get all the info and start designing it and after all the assets, as the display on a console is very different to a mobile.

In the production process, they will trial the trailer frequently, to make sure it includes some key moments. During the testing, they can see if the trailer  followed their pre production document and how well they link to the original idea so they can see if they are happy with it .The idea can evolve from the info. So they will need to get the info for the trailer and then they can get a rough idea to make the trailer. 


They create the idea so they start using the storyboard so they know what they can do with the trailer and get an idea of what their trailer is going to look like, from many different camera angles. They also use their community to gather ideas based on the public’s requests and ideas. As they have such a big community, there are many original ideas put forwards.


Target Audience


The main target audience for Minecraft story mode is children. As the original game is very simple and creative, it is most appealing to children, as they can understand the game easily, as the main features of the original are reintroduced in the Story mode, if they enjoy Minecraft, they will most likely enjoy Minecraft Storymode. The basic characters and common situations also make the game most appealing for children. The game shows friendship, enemies and challenges they need to complete, which may relate to a child’s life.


The games collaboration with Telltale games, will also engage fans of their franchise. As Telltale games are very popular, allowing the player to have freedom, and choose specifically what they want to do, just like in the original Minecraft, it relates both Minecraft fans and Telltale fans. 



The frequency, of the Minecraft Story mode trailer (Made by Telltale games), is the amount of times advertising is seen by the average consumer. In total there have been at least 1 trailer per chapter of the game, which means that if there are 13 episodes in total for both seasons, there will be 13 trailers. Each trailer is around 3 - 4 minutes long, therefore in total, there is a total watch time in trailers of 39 - 52 Minutes. 

The amount of times the trailer is watched is down to the consumer, it is available to watch on youtube, it may come up as an ad on a youtube video, and it may show up on a websites advertisement banner. One factor of how much money your game makes is based on how noticed it is. The more advertising will allow for more publicity, however, it will cost more to advertise more and if your trailer isn't very interesting people will not buy the game.


Graphics that convey the environment are directly related to the technique of context-sensitive camera-work. It is a powerful way to make any shot look exactly how the developers intended. Having a scripted game trailer can dramatically increase the cinematic effect. It allows for maximum pre-rendered quality. It does not rely on in game, potential, random artifacts/ lighting. This can be seen, at the end of the trailer, when the characters enter the portal. The final shot looks exactly how the developers intend.


LO2 - Be able to generate ideas for an original audio-visual media product

LO3 - Be able to develop ideas by creating proposals and sample materials for two original audio-visual products

LO4 - Be able to pitch ideas on proposed audio-visual products to a producer, client or focus group for feedback

LO5 - Be able to use feedback gained to inform the development and planning of an original audio-visual media product

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